bringing principle" aims to promote comprehensively the cultural achievements, and Nietzsche's attitude to culture also advocates a comprehensive promotion.鲁迅的拿来主义精神是为了综合提升文化,尼采对文化的态度也是提倡综合。The principle of bringing all important institutions into a regulatory net is sound.将所有的监管机构放在一张监管网里这样的原理是正确的。Therefore, this article will be more emphasize on the graphic elements to transmit information more effectively through of aesthetics principle, bringing the user a good experience.所以在本文中更偏重于在尊重美学原则的基础上,图形元素以什么样的方式呈现能更有效传递信息,带给用户良好的体验。。bringing principle相关词组,bringing principle是什么意思,bringing principle的用法,bringing principle的意思,bringing principle的例句,bringing principle的中文意思,bringing principle用法及例句等信息,希望对您的学习有所帮助!" />
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The idea of Lu Xun's "the bringing principle" aims to promote comprehensively the cultural achievements, and Nietzsche's attitude to culture also advocates a comprehensive promotion.


The principle of bringing all important institutions into a regulatory net is sound.


Therefore, this article will be more emphasize on the graphic elements to transmit information more effectively through of aesthetics principle, bringing the user a good experience.


"bringing principle"的基本信息





